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Titre:ceroart - conservation, exposition, restauration d’objets d’art

La description :ceroart, revue électronique fondée en 2007. approche pluridisciplinaire de la conservation, l’exposition et la restauration des objets d’art – a multidisciplinary journal focusing on the conservati......

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skip to navigation – site map ceroart conservation, exposition, restauration d’objets d’art en fr home search introduction ceroart is a webjournal and platform for pluridisciplinary approaches in issues of conservation, exhibition and conservation of works of art. it is also a forum for historians and art historians, philosophers and museologists, heritage scientists, curators, conservator-restorers, museum representatives and students in any one of these disciplines to share ideas and interact. latest issue egg 6 | 2017 egg 2016-2017 premières publications des jeunes diplômés en conservation-restauration first publications from young graduates in conservation more about this picture éditorial [full text] en guise d'introduction catheline périer-d’ieteren des racines et des ailes: autour de la fondation périer-d'ieteren [full text] muriel verbeeck-boutin around ceroart and the egg issues [full text] autour de ceroart et des publications egg [full text | translation] dossier juliette robin dupire etude et restauration d'un relief en plâtre pour un des pilastres de la porte de l'enfer d'auguste rodin, musée rodin [full text] recherche de traitements adaptés à la restauration d'une œuvre contenant des sels. martina trento the conservation treatment of the b54 japanese armour from the royal armoury in turin [full text] re-adhesion of japanese lacquer on metal sofia hennen rodriguez les propriétés, actions et principales problématiques des gels de pemulen®tr-2 [full text] le choix de la base dans la formulation des gels fabiola rocco a multisciplinary approach to the study and conservation of the contemporary sarah lucas’ papier-maché sculpture love me [full text] tabea rude testing phenol formaldehyde composite insulation material for conservation purposes [full text] isabelle cuoco une alternative réversible pour le comblement des lacunes des œuvres et objets d’art en polyester stratifié [full text] júlia tauber the study and conservation of the 20th century wooden chest and its lepidoptera collection [full text] repairing methods of lepidoptera collections aude lafitte etude et conservation-restauration d’un qilin en émail cloisonné chinois provenant du musée des arts décoratifs de paris [full text] violeta machado prin the conservation of a 19th century framed miniature portrait painted on ivory [full text] removing adhesive tape from a historic object claudia cricchio the restoration of the panel painting depicting the adoration of shepherds with a saint bishop [full text] three-dimensional reintegration of missing elements by 3d printing comptes-rendus nico broers alain roche, la conservation des peintures modernes et contemporaines [full text] paris, cnrs, 2016. edouard nzoyihera patrimonialisations croisées. jeux d’échelles et enjeux de développement (dir. o.givre et m.regnault) [full text] lyon, presses universitaires de lyon, 2015. muriel verbeeck-boutin david a. scott, authenticity, restoration, forgery [full text] los angeles, cotsen institute of archeology press, 2016 browse index authors keywords the journal presentation information for authors scientific committee and editorial board partners full text issues 10 | 2015 la restauration, carrefour d’interrelations 9 | 2014 the conservator-restorer’s knowledge and recognition 8 | 2012 politiques de conservation-restauration 7 | 2011 science et conscience 6 | 2011 réinventer les méthodologies 5 | 2010 la restauration en scène et en coulisse 4 | 2009 les dilemmes de la restauration 3 | 2009 l’erreur, la faute, le faux 2 | 2008 regards contemporains sur la restauration 1 | 2007 objets d’art, œuvres d’art special issues egg 6 | 2017 first publications from young graduates in conservation hs | 2017 education and research in conservation-restoration egg 5 | 2016 first publications from young graduates in conservation hs | juin 2015 tribute to roger marijnissen hs | 2014 teaching conservation-restoration egg 4 | 2014 first publications from young graduates in conservation hs | 2013 conservation: cultures and connections hs | 2013 de l’art et de la nature egg 3 | 2013 first publications from young graduates in conservation hs | 2013 le faux, l’authentique et le restaurateur egg 2 | 2012 first publications from young graduates in conservation hs | 2012 la restauration des œuvres d’art en europe entre 1789 et 1815 : pratiques, transferts, enjeux egg 1 | 2010 first publications from young graduates in conservation all issues news calendar researches chronicles links call for papers information contact mentions légales et crédits publishing policies follow us rss feed newsletters ceroart newsletter openedition newsletter member access login password log in cancel in collaboration with electronic issn 1784-5092 site map – syndication openedition journals member – published with lodel – administration only openedition openedition books openedition books books in the humanities and social sciences books publishers further information openedition journals openedition journals journals in the humanities and social sciences journals further information calenda calenda academic announcements announcements further information hypotheses hypotheses research blogs blogs catalogue newsletters and alerts newsletter subscribe to the newsletter alerts and subscriptions alert service openedition freemium the journal in openedition search informations title: ceroart conservation, exposition, restauration d'objets d'arts briefly: a multidisciplinary journal focusing on the conservation, the restoration and the exhibition of works of art publisher: association ceroart medium: électronique e-issn: 1784-5092 access: open access freemium read detailed presentation twitter facebook google +

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